The way things always work, it is clear that all this talk about ‘smart phones’ is going the same way as ‘camera phones’ and many other similar advanced devices have gone. A common device adds some features that are usually…
Creating PeopleWeb
Twitter introduced Lists — called TwitterLists – and they are already being used for different applications. These lists are proving that you give a simple tool to people and they use lots of creativity and come up with all kind…
Facebook continues to create more applications and enrich it platform to really create a new Web — I call it FaceWeb — to capitalize on the social network that it has created and the cyber personas of all of us…
Venture Funding for University Research
Many Venture Capitalist companies have been formed to work with universities to license research results or products from university research laboratories. I had a chance to interact with multiple of those. Most of them had difficulties because many universities really…
A Great Opportunity: Mobile Phones in Rural India
WSJ has a very informative article about how rural india is changing with mobile phones. It is difficult for us living in California to imagine the following: In the village of Karanehalli, a cluster of simple homes around an intersection…