About Ramesh

Ramesh has been an active researcher in Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia Computing, Experiential computing, and Digital Health. While at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, he founded and directed artificial intelligence laboratory in 1987; and at University of California, San Diego, he founded visual computing lab in 1995.  At University of California, Irvine, He is the founding director of UCI Institute for Future Health. He was also the founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE MultiMedia magazine and Machine Vision and Applications journal.  His co-authored and co-edited books include two text books: Machine Vision (published in 1995), and Multimedia Computing (published in 2014). Ramesh has been elected Fellow of ACM, IEEE, AAAS, IAPR, AAAI, and SPIE. He is the recipient of several awards including the ACM SIGMM Technical Achievement Award 2010, and his recent IEEE TCMC Impact award for his “pioneering and wide-spread impact to multimedia computing for the past four decades.” His current research is in building computing and data-driven Navigational approaches for Future Health.  He is cofounder of social entrepreneurship companies in AI for Health that are addressing open-source software development (Personicle.org) and open data for health research (HealthUnity.org).  Ramesh co-founded multiple companies, managed them in initial stages, and then turned them over to professional management.  He enjoys working with companies, is involved in research, and enjoys writing.  He is a cofounder of VicaraHealth.

He  is now a Professor Emeritus at UCI and spends his time working with people and organizations interested in the Future of Heath using lifestyle perpetually and using medicine when needed.

He is working on building a community in Technology for food and lifestyle to keep people healthy and go to medicine only when needed.    See his recent blogs in this area.  More blogs will be published regularly.

Ramesh was announced ACM Distinguished Service Award Winner for 2022.  The Citation said: For establishing SIGMultiMedia, and for outstanding leadership and persistent service to ACM and the computing community for the past four decades.


Recent Blogs:

Rethinking Digital Twin for Health

Recognize AI as Augmented Intelligence

Could India Ignite the Gloal Health Trnsformation

Empathetic Computing: Bridging the Digital Divide and Humanizing Technology

Why You Need a Personal Health Companion

Is AI the Key to a Healthier Future?

Coming Events:

Keynote talk at “Digital health – use of appropriate digital technologies as part of health services”, on June 14, 2023.

Vision, Passion, and Current Research is described in: Lifeblood of Health is Data;  in IEEE MultiMedia Magazine Magazine. Jan-Mar 2022.

RECENT Keynote Talks:

Multimodal Augmented Homeostasis, MMM 2023, Bergen Norway, January 2023, Keynote Talk.

Keynote Talk at Nutrition 2020: May 30-June 2, 2020, Seattle, WA USA.

Keynote talk at ACM ICMR: What Should I do?, June 9-11, 2020, Dublin, Ireland.

Multimodal Health Surveillance: Keynote Talk at ACM Multimedia Asia, Beijing, 2019.

Eat, Drink, and be Happy: Invited talk at MADiMa, Oct 21, ACM Multimedia, Nice France 2019. [Slides]

Digital Health As A Service Symposium: Opportunities Created by Digitalization of Life and Health,  Keynote; July 12-13 2019, Milan Italy.

Future of Computing and Food; Keynote Talk; Kyoto, Japan, March 28, 2019.

IEEE Web Intelligence 2018; Keynote Talk; Santiago Chile, December 4, 2018

15th IEEE Int. Conf on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; Keynote Talk; Oct 27, 2018

Fourth India Science Festival; Keynote in Global Indian Science and Technology Stakeholders; Lucknow, India;  Oct 5, 2018.

IEEE MIPR 2018; Keynote Talk; Miami, Florida, April 10,  2018


ACM SigMM Records, Issue 2, 2017.

Enjoy the Life you are Living:  Video Interview on Future of Health and Food, Published in February 2023.

Video Profile: Ramesh Jain – Father of Multimedia.

International Interviews Published: Ramesh Jain Interview for Chinese Professional Organization. CCCF Magazine April 2015

Interview with Rama On Healthcare August 2022: Lifeblood of Health is Data.