Explore Ocean Floor using Google Maps

WSJ reports:

The new version of Google Earth, which can be downloaded at earth.google.com, allows users to dive along reefs, explore the sea floor and view videos and images of sea creatures. It also includes details like advice on the best surf sports and logs of real ocean expeditions.

It is possible to explore theme parks and other important land marks using Google Earth. More interestingly, however,

The new version of Google Earth also allows users to look at imagery from a particular location over time. At Monday’s event, former Vice President Al Gore demonstrated how that feature could be used to show the impact of climate change.


One thought on “Explore Ocean Floor using Google Maps

  1. Search Engine Optimization Philadelphia

    Thanks for sharing this information. I want to ask if this feature has been helpful in demonstrating climate changes, then can it be equally useful in marketing process. There are many companies, which have grown gradually through step by step development. So is this feature can be used as a substitute of article submission or keyword marketing in the form of live demonstration of images and videos. I think it will prove to be a fantastic idea for tourism industry at least as they can charm more tourists by giving them in depth glance of their landscapes. Simultaneously corporate industries too can mark their presence in that particular arena and can depict how they ascended with passage of time along with development of their stations.

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