One one hand we have micro-stories that reflect experience of just one ‘small’ event. Such an event could be a meeting, a party, or anything that is considered by user as something worth sharing experience but not worth a detailed…
Micro-blogs and blogs
I am coming back to my old blogging after a a few months of hiatus. I started blogging during my battle with cancer to update all my friends about my situation and after conquering cancer, continued with blog. It became…
Managing Event Information: A book.
Amarnath Gupta, my long term partner in crime in multimedia information retrieval and I are about to finish a book: Managing Event Information. This book is a result of our efforts to discuss emerging information management systems to represent real…
Events are ‘transparent’
Some things are so obvious that we do not notice them. I have been working on organizing images, videos, and related experiential information for quite some time. All efforts by us, like all other researchers, revolved around the information that…
Phone as identity
Almost everybody has a mobile phone now. Worldwide there are more than 5 Billion mobile phones in the world and 6.5 Billion people. Based on this, many people have thought of using phone numbers as ‘id’ for a person. An…