A really important video news: IEEE.TV

Though everybody is talking about Google acquisition of Youtube, I decided to post an item that I find more interesting in the realm of video.  IEEE announced launch of IEEE.TV.  As described:

After more than 100 years of publishing magazines, the IEEE might think broadcasting is outside its scope. Studios, lights, cameras, microphones—the complexity of it all seemed too daunting to consider seriously. But IEEE felt it had a role to play and released its Internet broadcasting network in August.

“IEEE.tv is intended to make broadcasting a vibrant and valuable component of the IEEE member’s experience,� says Pedro Ray, vice president of IEEE Regional Activities, the area that oversees the station. “And it will advance the IEEE’s commitment to educating the public on important technology and engineering issues.�

IEEE.tv features original content, with broadcasts that include coverage of IEEE conferences, interviews with IEEE book authors, primers on technology-related careers, and overviews of IEEE products and services. The prerecorded programs run anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes; it is expected that most programs will be 15 minutes or less.

This is important because it shows that even the publishers of  highly abstract and technical material are adopting video format for their future.  This is big.  This shows that video is becoming a maintstream medium for communication of knowledge. 


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