In these days of financial difficulties all around, no wonder that one hears stories all around that getting funding for starting a technical startup is getting more difficult. First we heard os VC cuts. Now NYT reports on Angel Investors pulling back sharply.
Getting funding for startups getting tougher
- Grand Challenge Problems at ACM Multimedia 2009
- Uncertainty in Databases
4 thoughts on “Getting funding for startups getting tougher”
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this financial diffictulties are in romania too
In the near term it is hard to see these problems getting any better. I think some business angels will be missed, but some will not. We are paying the price for short-termism at the moment and to avoid these problems again we need people who invest to build strong businesses. The current fast buck VC model is not that. I say good riddance!
This is true — in difficult times, strong models survive.
I guess this is right time to pay our respect to Darwin for survival of the fittest.
hehe… nice segway to Darwin. I am not sure if we should base economic models on ‘nature, red in tooth and claw’, but I do know what you mean. You may be interested in this post reflecting the conditions in the South African VC/investment market.