The New Age of Innovation

C K Prahalad is a master in articulating powerful new ideas. He is even better in presenting those ideas. I just attended his talk on the new age of innovations — based on some his new book.

He emphasized importance of experience in the new world and contrasted that to focus on products. This aspect clearly reminded me about Pine and Gilmore’s book on Experience Economy. A big twist that CK put in this is the current trend of quick feedback about consumer experience and consumer participation using emerging sensing and information networks. He emphasized importance of ‘Personal Co-created experiences’ for emerging businesses. He tried to relate this to bottom of the pyramid. As usual, the talk was very engaging, thought provoking, and enjoyable.

This talk took me back to our interactions during Praja days. It is kind of interesting that the emphasis on event based computing and experiences rather than information were the basis for founding Praja and CK has taken those concepts from technology to businesses. It is his deep understanding and bold thinking that is behind his great ideas.

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