Situation Awareness and Control

In the last few years, many research fields have started addressing issues in Situation Awareness. A problem has been that there is no good definition of Situation and hence it becomes difficult to understand and use it.
Recently, Vivek Singh (a doctoral student working with me) started addressing this issue rigorously and determination to define and use it. Since the problem is a difficult one, it will take some time to make strong progress, but he has already taken a strong step in right direction. He will be presenting a paper on this soon at Micom2009.
His paper gives a good introduction to Situation and its use in controling emerging Cyber Physical and other systems. The paper is available here.

One thought on “Situation Awareness and Control

  1. Content Writing

    Okay..Thanks for the details.Please update me on further news on this topic.Meanwhile i will check the link you have provided over here.I am hearing of it for the first time.

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