Maps getting richer

Google maps now offers some more interesting new features:

Google Maps now offers a 360-degree view of many streets in the San Francisco Bay Area, New York, Las Vegas, Denver and Miami, with other cities to roll out later

The street features first became available in A9 and are now being launched by Google.  This will be a very interesting and useful feature in many applications.  It also added other features

Google also launched Mapplets, a tool that enables developers to create mini applications to be displayed on Google Maps. Developers can combine information such as real estate listings and crime data with distance measurement and other tools to create their own embeddable mashups directly on the Google Maps site.

Very interesting directions and very promising applications.


3 thoughts on “Maps getting richer

  1. phoenix

    Yes, the feature is simply amazing. Probably one day we could have computer games which would decode these images and provide game maps of the city we live in! I could be playing Half Life Death Matches in my office and strategy games like WarCraft in the Amazon…

    And yes, it can get a bit dangerous too 🙂,+San+Francisco,+CA+94109,+USA&ie=UTF8&ll=37.7889,-122.417489&spn=0.006774,0.013561&z=17&om=0&layer=c&cbll=37.785489,-122.417975&cbp=2,438.82277544807,0.667036460163099,2
    I got this link in, the title was : The worst possible time to be coming of of the Strip Club (Pic)

  2. Search engine optimization expert

    Yes Google map is one of its kinds in the state of the art technology but security concerns will always be there with this kind of evolving technology.

    As far as the 3-D view and clear pictures are concerned, so I believe its limited up to some geographical areas means as we go on to increase the zoom factor , the Arial view start diminishing. But seems like, this will also improve as the time goes on.

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