This is happening in 21st century? Somebody tell me that this is a joke — not a real story. Read:
These are the story highlights:
Woman, 19, gets six months prison, 200 lashes for meeting with unrelated man
Group of seven raped her and the man, from whom she was retrieving photos
After lawyer protests light sentences, rapists’ sentences increased
Victim’s punishment doubled for talking to the media
I am in shock.
The 21st century has not reached that part of the world yet. they are 7 going on 8 lol.
sir with all do respect this is progress for saudi arabia, they had a trial and they did not even stone her. In saudi arabia there was a situation where women were not allowed to leave a burning building because they were not properly dressed (they had been in the company of all women and excersied their right to take off some of their garmets).
What story does this pertain to? What country acts like this?
Sorry about not making it clear — it happened in Saudi Arabia.