Going Back to USA — without Neil

This trip to Singapore and other places was the longest trip out of USA for me — close to two months. Since going to USA in Jan 1978, this was the longest period I stayed out. I am now ready to go back.

The return is unusual in one other way. Neil came with us and is now going to stay here. He will work here for some time — maybe 3 months, maybe longer. His goal is to learn about start-up companies as well as about understanding how this part of the world works. This is one of the most happening places in the world — definitely this region — Asia — of the world is where many revolutionary economic events are taking plae. This will be a great learning experience for him.

It is always tough to be away from the family — so far away — particularly for the first time. So it is tough for him as well as for the mother, sisters, and yes, the father. But this will help him grow up. And the fact is that if one has to be away from family in USA, possibly SIngapore is absolutely the best place to be. SO though I will personally miss him, I am happy that he will become a man from a boy.

As usually happens, the first few days are a bit tough and then one gets busy. Neil has many things to keep him busy and luckily already has friends. I remember my going to Germany without knowing even one person. ANd that turned out to be good.

Lot of things waiting in USA — lot of work, but also family and friends. Time to pack comuter and go to the airport.

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