Future of News

Dave Pettit has a an interesting story about the future of News — how News should be in 2016.

I feel that an important point is missing about News in most discussions. News as it exists in Newspapers, radio, and TV is report on events. The focus is on reports not on events. All media is concerned on how to get these reports and howe to make them interesting. I believe that things will become a lot more exciting and insightful and a better user experience if we started thinking of events as primary and reports as a means or a perspective on the event. This will allow people to look at related events, evolving events, and effects of events in cleaner and crisper way.

3 thoughts on “Future of News

  1. Ramesh Post author

    I am looking forward to exploring your site. When is it going to be available for me to play so I can see what you are bringing to the field.

  2. Arjun Ram

    We are diligently working on getting an alpha out to people, I shall keep you in mind and send an invite out. We would love to get some early feedback from you folks. Stay tuned!

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