Wallm Street has a story ‘Once Collegial, Research Schools now Mean Business’ representing changing climate at research universities. Though the story talks about a professor from Arizona State, this is no exception. The situation is similar at many places.
Academic climate has changed and it is likely to get worse before it turns around. In addition to funding situation, another difficult situation is reduction in number of quality students coming from the two major suppliers of graduate students to USA — India and China. This is what is leading to the innovation crisis in USA.
I hear for the first time that the amount of foreign students( namely India and China) has been decreased. What are the reasons, can you please enlighten me? On the other hand I do not think that even if it is so, it will affect the innnovation process in the US. Maybe reduction of graduate students’ flow is a temporary sign and the country has other sources of ” golden “brains for innovative ideas. Thanks again.
Well the immigration process for students is getting complicated day by day. After several attempts to seek Visa, student are now finding it easy to go to countries like NewZeland, Australia,Canada,Germany and Singapore. This results in decrease of students to USA.IMO things should be kept sinple if you want to generate good revenue.