From computational perspective, there are the following major steps in building a cybernetic system: • Building model of the system • Measuring appropriate parameters continuously • Estimating State • Deciding actions to be applied to the system The easiest to…
Back to Cyber – 1
With advances in computing, we now live in the cyber space, talk about Cyber-Physical systems, and have started thinking about Cyber-Physical-Social systems. Cyber has become almost synonymous with Internet and the Web. Social computing is taking us back to the…
Objective Self 6: From an individual to society
An individual is just an individual. And each individual is unique. In a human society, individuals interact and associate in many ways. Also, many human beings are related to each other along many dimensions ranging from their living area, profession,…
Objective Self 2: Garbage Data results in Garbage Models
The interest in Self has been a complex but sustained quest in every culture. The issues that complicated this quest and continue to do so remain: • Getting enough objective data • Storing data • Analyzing data • Privacy of…
Calendars to Chronicles: 6
Data Warehouses are Chronicles Business enterprises have a major challenge: making efficient and effective decisions all the time. This challenge can only be solved by knowing what the current situation in the organization is and what happened in the past…