Most fields go through cycles. Computer vision is no exception. The role of context in computer vision has been something that emerges every few years as if it is a new topic. Since, this time it appeared that people were…
Next Generation Search in 2010
This is that time of the year again when I start thinking and planning my course on Next Generation Search. SInce half of this course is based on emerging techniques in search, I have to carefully plan this part every…
Young Engineering Students in India
Meeting many students from 2nd year to 4th year of engineering from many disciplines gave me a picture of engineers that will be coming out in India. I found them very bright, ambitious, and energetic. Most students were very eager…
Pragyan 2010 at NIT Trichy
National Institute of Technology (formerly, Regional College of Engineering) in Tiruchy is one of the top engineering colleges in India. I had an opportunity to attend part of this – as a Guest Speaker and a panelist – event that…
Events: Descriptions and Opinions
In dealing with events where humans are involved in providing data, one must distinguish between descriptions and opinions. Descriptions are supposed to be unbiased, factual and report facts about the event. Being incomplete is acceptable for a description, but being…