( I will be posting my thoughts on Words and Multimedia Search. There will be a few posts on this topic. Here is the first one.) Words are important. Words have been important in human society for the longest time…
Micrsoft in enterprise search
Micrsoft entering enterprise search through its Sharepoint. Read details in News.com article by Ina Fried. The most interesting thing about the approach adopted by Microsoft is to build expertise profiles of people using their e-mail and other information. Some people…
Convergence in Search and databases
Search engines started with an idea to provide all pages in response to their queries. The basic idea is very simple – process all pages to find particular words and organize the index to provide links to all documents containing…
Human and Search
We all know that Search is for humans. All search engines are designed to help humans. Lately search engines have started emphasizing that purly machine based search can only take the effectiveness of search (for humans) so far. This is…
Better Search Through People
As a part of my course on Next Generation Search Systems, Bradley Horowitz of Yahoo gave a talk on the future of Web Search. His presentation was very interesting. The most important message of the presentation is captured in the…