For the last one week, I have been in Germany. Berlin, Hamburg, Memmingen, and now Munich. SOme of this is very nostalgic — met some friends like Leela after 30 years. ANd some has been hectic sightseeing trips. Now I…
Hawaii Vacation — photos
I squezzed out a mini vacation (a weekend +) in Hawaii during my trip to serve on a panel at ICASSP. Here are several photos in Seraja.  By the way, Seraja has much improved tools for uploading photos and…
Obvious Vs Complex
I am in New York at PerCom, where I will be giving a Keynote on eventweb. This conference is being featured at Seraja. An interesting experiment. All aspects of the conference are covered on Seraja. Yesterday I had dinner with…
One day in London
I just came back from this hectic trip to London. I went there for one day to attend the wedding of Shruti and Keval — Shruti is daughter of my long time friend — about 50 years of my 57…
Back Home 070108
Finally after about one month of travelling a lot, I am back home. Though I am alone back home, it feels very good. Took the long flight — non stop from SIngapore to LAX — and did not sleep much…