In these days of financial difficulties all around, no wonder that one hears stories all around that getting funding for starting a technical startup is getting more difficult. First we heard os VC cuts. Now NYT reports on Angel Investors…
Entrepreneurship education
NYT has an article that discusses how entrepreneurship is becoming popular at US universities. Today’s students have grown up hearing more about Bill Gates than F.D.R., and they live in a world where startling innovations are commonplace. The current crop…
The State of Venture Capital
For any budding entrepreneur it will be important to know the state of Venture Capital. A good article is in Fobes. On the surface it may appear to be a pessimistic scenario. On careful thinking it does suggest that a…
Computer Vision in Computing
I always believed that computer vision has potential to contribute very strongly in general computing. This became more obvious in the lst few years. Computing progressed significantly and digital cameras started appearing and used every where. Computer vision as a…
TATA and Rs 1 Lakh Car
TATA continues with his successes in automobile industry. This announcement of their unveiling of their Rs 1 Lakh (about US $2.5 K) car reads more like unveiling of Kohinoor diamond — all security and secrecy. Impressive marketing hype.