I was pretty impressed by Eye-Fi when first I found it and used. I have been using it. There are two problems with it, but I have continued using it because the advantage is better than the problem. The problems — it reduces battery life significantly and open and free Wi-Fi is not available at every place.
Now Nokia announced that soon on all their point-and-shoot cameras, there will be internet available that will allow a picture to be e-mailed directly from camera to anybody. This is the next step in what I was looking for — now it will have better connectivity and hopefully will not affect battery life as much.
This development really suggests one important trend — soon all devices will have connectivity and may start tweeting. This will be a very interesting development and will take internet to the next stage in its development.
In this stage physical and cuber world will get closer.
I think the battery issue should be solved quickly because people are complaining about the battery life when using wi-fi, i’ve heared that they will upgrade the wi-fi to one that will consume less energy and they will also increase battery power and life.