In our life a time comes that you know that you are going to lose some of your family members or dear ones. You know it well and intellectually accept that also, but when you come close to that happening it still hurts. I guess intellectual aspects and emotions are somewhat orthogonal in our life.
Sudha’s mother is now about 80 year old and has not been keeping good health. Last week she fell down and broke multiple bones. If you don’t do surgery to replace her hip, she will be in pain and will be miserable — will not be able to get off her bed. And if you do sergery, considering her health and age, she may not survive it. A common dilemma that many of us have face some time or other. Well, family decided for the second option and now she is in emergency. We don;t know whether she will survive or not. Even before the decision was made for surgery, this possibility was well known — but it hurts.
She is a great lady. One of those people who did a lot for others and adopted different people as their own. No wonder tht she is loved so much. Sudha is in India with her.