New Search Companies

It does appear that Search has become very ‘hot’ and is resulting lots of attention from even seasoned entrepreneurs.
I have a dear friend (in fact more than just a friend — my ex-student (or an academic offspring) and cofounder of my first company) Kurt Skifstad visiting me. He has been thinking about Search in his search for his next venture. At this stage I can not talk about it more than that.

Then I just read this interesting article about a new search company that is being launched by once very successful entrepreneurs and colleagues at Stanford and friends of Google founder Brin. They have ambition to beat Google and are bold enough to say that. You can read about them here.

I have not been able to meet – due to hectic things going on — with another friend who founded a search company about a year ago and now wants to launch it. Will meet him soon and maybe talk about that — the idea appeared interesting — here.

So one thing is clear search is now very hot. And I think there are good reasons for it — so many thing can be done and really so littele has been done — and Google has been sooooo successful.

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