Mobile phones have been spreading much faster than computers. By the end of 2010, almost 75% of the world population will have access to a mobile phone. And these phones can bring all the benefits of the Internet and computing…
Meta Data is also Data
In so many discussions, people keep discussing about data and meta data. So one starts wondering what is meta data? Well, meta data is data about data. Because of several discussions with my respected (and very well known) researcher friends…
Current Research Challenges in Computer Vision and Multimedia
Advances in technology result in societal transformations. Paradoxically, advances in technology often result in creation of new problems, while solving some existing problems. This is very clear in several areas being influenced by rapid advances in computing. Computer vision and…
The Power of Pull
The Power of Pull by J. Hagel III, JS Brown, and L Davison is a thought provoking book. A good read. It shows that the Edge has become more central to knowledge than the Core. Core is important but real…
Content Without COntext is Meaningless
With Pinaki Sinha, I just finished a research paper titled: Content Without Context is Meaningless. Its abstract reads: We revisit one of the most fundamental problems in multimedia that is receiving enormous attention from researchers without making much progress in…