SEraja team is making a very good progress. As usualy in product development, there are many things need to be done but I found the discussion reviewing the progress and near-future plans very good. The team is passionate, willing to learn, and talented.
The product development attitude in India is definitely very different now than it used to be say 8 years ago. In my last effort to be involved in product development with a very famous company in 1998, it was a very different environment. The team was talented but passion and initiative was not there. Of course there are management differences but in this case I felt that it is more the attitude of people.
Talking about that, the change in attitude is very well reflected in a poster that I saw in Banglaore advertising for jobs. This poster shows the changing attitude and the power of the Flat World.
Yes as you mentioned the product development attitude in India has definitely changed and teams lack passion and involvement
I agree with Danny ?