About Ramesh

Ramesh Jain: Pioneering the Future of Health through Technology

Ramesh Jain is a visionary technologist and entrepreneur at the forefront of digital health innovation. With a distinguished career spanning five decades, Ramesh has made groundbreaking contributions to Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia Computing, and Experiential Computing.

Highlights of Ramesh’s pioneering work include:

  • Founding director of the AI Lab at the University of Michigan in 1987
  • Founding director of the UCI Institute for Future Health
  • Leading the development of the Personal Health Navigator, now being standardized globally by ISO

Ramesh is revolutionizing healthcare by developing navigational approaches that leverage computing and data to empower individuals in managing their health proactively. His mission is to create a future where lifestyle optimization is continuous, and medical intervention is necessary only when truly needed.

Ramesh’s expertise and contributions are globally recognized:

  • Fellow of ACM, IEEE, AAAS, IAPR, AAAI, and SPIE
  • Recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including: • ACM Distinguished Service Award (2022) for establishing SIGMultiMedia and outstanding leadership in the computing community • ACM SIGMM Technical Achievement Award • IEEE TCMC Impact Award for pioneering contributions to multimedia computing
  • These accolades, among many others, highlight Ramesh’s transformative impact on the fields of multimedia, computing, and digital health over the past four decades.

A serial entrepreneur, Ramesh has co-founded multiple successful companies, including recent ventures in AI for Health: Personicle.org: Developing open-source software for personalized health; and HealthUnity.org: Advancing open data for health research.

Currently, as a Professor Emeritus at UCI, Ramesh is passionate about collaborating with individuals and organizations interested in shaping the future of health. He’s building a community focused on leveraging technology for food and lifestyle improvements to maintain health and minimize dependence on traditional medicine.

Ramesh continues to share his insights through regular blog posts, exploring the intersection of technology, lifestyle, and health. His work aims to transform how we approach well-being in the digital age. Moreover, Ramesh is actively engaged with numerous academic institutions, industrial partners, and international organizations, promoting the use of technology for socially responsible causes. This collaborative approach ensures that his innovative ideas have a far-reaching and positive impact on global health initiatives.

Connect with Ramesh to explore partnerships, research opportunities, or to join the movement towards a healthier, tech-enabled future that prioritizes social responsibility and global well-being.

Contact: jain49@gmail.com

Recent Blogs:

The Evolving Voyage Toward Sentient AI

Myths, Machines, and Minds

Paw Prints for Peace of Mind

Transforming Life

Coming Events:

ACM Multimedia COnf at Melbourne, Australia October 2024

Keynote talk at MADIMA, December 2024.

Vision, Passion, and Current Research is described in: Lifeblood of Health is Data;  in IEEE MultiMedia Magazine Magazine. Jan-Mar 2022.

RECENT Keynote Talks:

Keynote talk at “Digital health – use of appropriate digital technologies as part of health services”, on June 14, 2023.

Multimodal Augmented Homeostasis, MMM 2023, Bergen Norway, January 2023, Keynote Talk.

Keynote Talk at Nutrition 2020: May 30-June 2, 2020, Seattle, WA USA.



ACM SigMM Records, Issue 2, 2017.

Enjoy the Life you are Living:  Video Interview on Future of Health and Food, Published in February 2023.

Video Profile: Ramesh Jain – Father of Multimedia.

International Interviews Published: Ramesh Jain Interview for Chinese Professional Organization. CCCF Magazine April 2015

Interview with Rama On Healthcare August 2022: Lifeblood of Health is Data.