Photo Management remains an open problem

When I got a new Mac and with it the latest photo management system iPhoto from them, I thought that this will convince me that photo management is a nearly solved problem. Boy, was I wrong in thinking that!!! Far from it — apart from some ‘apple experience’ I am disappointed in the system. It has a long way to go to help people. It appears that most phot systems feel that if they can do nice slide show and help publish photos in different forms, their job is done. These systems ignore that now people literally shoot anything that they find mildly interesting. SO one has to adopt a philosophy that will help people filter and organize photos.

I am convinced that personal photo management remains an open problem. And that there is need for this system — this is not a Vitamin, it is a Pain-Killer.

2 thoughts on “Photo Management remains an open problem

  1. web development

    Hey thanks for making me aware.I for one loves photography.I am disappointed too with the news.Will have to keep waiting for some more time.Would love to hear from you if you come across any such device that will solve the problem…partially will also do.

  2. Pingback: Photo management is an open problem at Lifeblob’s World

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