When I got a new Mac and with it the latest photo management system iPhoto from them, I thought that this will convince me that photo management is a nearly solved problem. Boy, was I wrong in thinking that!!! Far…
Situation Awareness and Control
In the last few years, many research fields have started addressing issues in Situation Awareness. A problem has been that there is no good definition of Situation and hence it becomes difficult to understand and use it. Recently, Vivek Singh…
Multimedia Information Retrieval at NUS – 2
Here is the second very active research group in multimedia information retrieval at National University of Singapore: http://appscio.com/eco-blogs/rjain/multimedia-information-retrieval-national-university-singapore-2
Multimedia Information Retrieval at NUS – 1
I am doing a series of blogs published under Appscio, where I am a TAB member. The first of the series is on research done in Prof. Tat Seng Chua’s group. It is given at: http://appscio.com/eco-blogs/rjain/multimedia-information-retrieval-national-university-singapore-1
Events and Metaevents
If you look at the postings on Twitter or status updates on Facebook, one very soon realizes that if there is any important event then there are many ‘metaevents’ around it. Suppose that there is an event: a concert. Many…