Recent Papers

Links from this section are recent published papers in my research areas, thereby all intellectual property rights belong to me, Ramesh Jain as such.

Some of these documents are provided in pdf format. Clicking the links will open them in a new browser window.


1. Sameer Antani, Rangachar Kasturi, and Ramesh Jain, “A survey on the use of pattern recognition methods for abstraction, indexing and retrieval of images and video“, inPattern Recognition, Volume 35, Issue 4, April 2002, Pages 945-965

2. Ramesh Jain, “Experiential Computing“, in Comm. Of ACM, July 2003.

MediaVision Column in IEEE Multimedia

1. Multimedia Electronic Chronicles, July, 2003

2. Experience Isn’t Only Screen Deep, 2003

3. Transformed Experiences, January 2002

4. Experiential Computing, April 2002

5. Folk Computing July 2002

6. PC and TV Convergence: Is it Finally here?, October 2002.


1. Ramesh Jain, “Semantics in Multimedia Systems“, Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, Taipei, January 2003, Key note talk

2. Ramesh Jain, “Out of the Box Data Engineering: Events in Heterogeneous Data“, Key note talk at International Conference on Data Engineering, March 2003.

3. R. Jain and A. Katkere, “Experiential Environment for Accessing Multimedia Information”, Proc. Multimedia Symposium, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, March 2002.

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