Now to osteoarthritis of Knees

I started blogging when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2004. It became obvious to me that the only way to keep up with the phone calls and e-mails was to proactively update my friends and family about me and so i started blogging. In 2004 it was all about Cancer but slowly started shifting to other things.

The nature of this blog is really very diverse and will remain so. This is really about me. My thinking and my social, academic, professional, and family are part of this.

I decided to talk a bit about my knee — because lots of people suffer from knee problem — osteoarthritis of knee.

Yesterday I went to see doctor about my knee. It has been again acting up. I know the problem — I had one total knee replacement due to this problem in 2001. Since then that knee — left knee — is good except at US airports where it costs me 5-15 minutes extra at all security check points. I was too afraid to get my both knees fixed at the same time. And then came the big surgery — the cancer related which kept me in hospital for long time.

Now that my knee is acting up — I need to worry about it. It does affect quality of life.

Based on my experience there are two approaches you can adopt — a short term one and a real one for long term. Short term is the pain killers and exercise and the long term is the total knee replacement. The ones based on Glucosamine did not work for me. So now I am trying Cortisone injection. I got one yesterday. It was not painful at all — no more than blood test.
I will share my experience with this here and so I will about painkillers and anything elsde I try.
Hopefully this will add to the vast literature on this topic — from a patient’s personal point of view.

2 thoughts on “Now to osteoarthritis of Knees

  1. Arjun Ram

    As a long time reader of your blog, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope things workout for the better.. Get well soon and tell us more about your experience with the EventWeb! Take Care!

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