In a paper written by Vivek Singh, Mingyan Gao, and yours truly, to be presented at ACM Multimedia Conference in Florence, we present the concept of Social Pixels and their implications in understanding and extending social media. Social pixels could…
Machine Learning Hammer
Mark Twain said: “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” His observation is definitely very relevant to current trends in computer vision and multimedia content analysis. We have a Machine Learning Hammer (ML Hammer) that we…
Working with a group of people, we are dreaming about building a very ambitious project: NowLedger. The name cames from two ideas — (k)nowledge and a ledger of what is happening now. In the next few posts, I will discuss…
Beyond ‘total capture’ to ‘some utilization’
Sellen and Whittaker wrote an interesting article ‘Beyond Total Capture: A constructive critique of Lifelogging’. As technology advanced, it became possible to collect data and store it easily. In fact the last decade saw a rapid progress in sensors, storage,…
Timeline mashups
Map mashups brought lots of interesting applications and have made location as one of the most important ‘attribute’ in many applications, particularly on the mobile phones. I see potential for a similar ‘revolution’ in timelines. We want to see all…