I have been working with a team of entrepreneurs in designing a Visual Sharing and Reflection system based primarily on mobile phones. It is nice to see that this application, called VisR, is now released on Android. From the description…
Automatic Summarization of Personal Photo Collections: Pinaki Sinha’s Thesis
Pinaki Sinha finished his doctoral dissertation (under my supervision) on automatic summarization of personal photo collections. As he states: Photo taking and sharing devices (e.g., smart phones, digital cameras, etc) have become extremely popular in recent times. Photo enthusiasts today…
Developing Actionable Personal Intelligence for everyone
Business intelligence emerged out of desire to correlate different data sources for analyzing focused business events for taking data-supported actions. We believe that time has come to develop actionable personal intelligence techniques using the data being continuously collected by our phones and other devices.
Photos are more than Fleeting experiences
If one looks at all the emerging photo services that are built using confluence of mobile phone cameras, Internet, and social networks then one may start thinking that photos, and visual memory, is a fleeting experience. From Instagrams of the…
Photo Taking Behaviour: Teens of Photography
Comes 2009 (which conveniently I consider for this discussion as 2010) and we enter the new decade — lets call Teens. Teens brought smartphones, first iPhone and then Android. The camera in these phones is not the same quality as…