I am attending a workshop on CreativeIT at Arizona State University (supported by NSF: see http://ame.asu.edu/news/creativeit/ ). As stated The goal of this workshop is to collaboratively determine successful strategies for promoting creativity in IT based on the experiences of…
CAV indexing
More I think about indexing multimedia data, more I feel that the correct approach may be Context-Audio-Visual (CAV) based indexing rather than current keyword based and feature based approaches. COntext captures significant information about the environment in which the data…
Cyber and Real — Cybereal
COmputing created cyberspace and popularized it. So much so that now there is Second Life — a place for you to live only in cyberspace. But this cyberspace is trying to imitate the real world. They are trying to do…
Folk Computing: A scenario from 2013
Lets consider briefly a scenario. It is 2013. A Mexican farmer, Mr. Adolfo, is in his Strawberry Field and notices that the unusual coloration on the leaves in his farm has become more serious. He immediately takes out his MP…
Deep History
While discussing things with my friends from humanities — Barbara Cohen and Steve Franklin (really a person with diverse interests) — I heard Steve use ‘Deep History’ as a term. When I googled it, I found even book written about…