We have made tremendous progress in many fields. We now know a lot more about the galaxies and so we do about sub-atomic world. And this progress is being accelerated by the tools that have eolved rapidly in the last…
CAV Indexing: Towards Contenxt
Multimedia indexing has been receiving significant attention both in academia, as evidenced by increasing number of conference coverage of this from different disciplinary perspective in computer and information sciences, and from industry as is clear from all the search engines.…
Contenxt Search
Search has used content for quite some time — in pure text, databases, and multimedia. Lately application of context has started receiving increasing attention. The real progress could be made if we really combine content and context. Approaches should be…
Searching real world using images from mobile
One more innovative product that is taking us closer to Cybereal world. This is not the first product, but is from a well known comany — you can search real world using photos from mobile cameras. Read in NYT.
EventWeb article
The February issue of IEEE Computer magazine has a cover feature on EventWeb. You may get a copy of the article here. The summary of the article is given below. Current interest in human-centered computing suggests new winds blowing in…