Yesterday’s workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval was very encouraging. They had invited several people to share their research at the workshop — in addition to regular contributed papers. For the first time at an academic meeting on Multimedia Information Retrieval,…
MIR at IEEE Int Conf on Image Processing
I am attending a workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval at ICIP 2008 in San Diego. Interesting place to have this workshop — ICIP deals with more signal processing oriented image processing so MIR seems a bit out of place. But…
Memories, Life, and Experiences
Technology does change our life style, but the basic things remain the same. As humans, we still remain fundamentally very similar to our ancestors from thousands year ago. Our needs, passions, ego, ambitions, and spirituality remains the same. On the…
Storytelling is one of the oldest art — if not the oldest — practiced by humans. I was delighted to see some very interesting points on a site pointed to my by Amarnath Gupta. Some very insightful parts from there…
Memories For Life
While in Singapore, I met Wendy Hall and Nigel Shadbolt. They mentioned the ‘Memories for Life’ (M4F) project in UK. Very interesting project. One can visit this project at: The project description says: We are our memories. Our memories…