After thinking for long time, Gerald Friedland and I decided to seriously consider doing a text book on Multimedia. This will be a text book for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in Computer Science and Computer engineering. Students in other…
British Grand Challenges
British Computer Society has identified 8 grand challenges The British Computer Society (BCS) has laid out the most pressing economic, environmental and social issues facing the world that it feels could be solved with technology within the next two decades.…
Cyber Persona
Increasingly many people spend a significant amount of their life in cyberspace. We participate in professional and social activities through many disfferent mechanisms. We search for information, we buy things, we communicate, we socialize, we participate in entertainment, we now…
Real Virtuality
MOst of virtual reality has trued to create audio-visual worlds around a user. This has been very successful in many applications. But the real world is brought to us through our five senses: vision, audio, smell, taste, and touch. Much…
To Do or To Have? That is the question
I came across a research article with the title: To Do or To Have? That is the question. This research was done at University of Colorado at Boulder and at Cornell University. The basic finding of the research, completed about…