In attending a meeting of the petamedia project and listening to different ideas, it is clear that a major research problem that is emerging is how to utilize enormous volumes fo video and other multimedia data produced by users. Two…
Similarity search introduced by Google
A major step in the direction of combining context and content has been taken by Google. They introduced similarity search. So after you search for images using tradition Google image search, you could then ask for similar images. It will…
Connections among Events
When thinking about how things happen in the world, it is interesting to relate how events are related. Many times it is difficult to predict how an event in one part of the world can have catastrophic (or wonderful) consequences…
Progress in mKrishi project
Yesterday I got a chance to visit the mKrishi project team in Thane office of TCS (Tata Consul ting Services). I got involved in this project some time ago, but yesterday was the first time to meet the team face-to-face…
A Perspective on Multimedia Computing and communication (2)
The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most important ability that distinguishes humans from animals and has been the reason for their evolution to the current stage. Communication is essential for sharing experiences and for creating, maintaining, sustaining,…